Nurse Bella was sitting in Dr. Sykes office in the medical wing of Richland prison. Bella was a petite blonde that had cut her hair in a short bob, was slim with small (but well shaped) breasts and strong legs that she had crossed demurely. Her nurse uniform was white and ended at the knee, exposing those legs.
Dr. Sykes was one of the staff doctors at Richland. Contrary to the typical doctor's role, Dr. Sykes spent very little time treating health issues. Her role was more experimental. She conducted experiments on the prisoners to expand knowledge into a wide variety of areas. The prison population at Richland was large, overcrowded, and provided an endless supply of subjects, none of them volunteers.
The doctor had finished brushing her long, shiny black hair and was tying it back into a pony tail. Jenna Sykes was one of the most well preserved and beautiful 35 year old women you might ever encounter. She looked like she was 25, and her tall shapely body was distracting to all the men she worked with, as well as quite a few of the women. She worked out, ate right, and had a runway model's face.
In spite of her looks, Dr. Sykes was an extremely competent research doctor.
"Well, I was thinking one day, while I was preparing some therapy for one of the male inmates. I was putting needles with electrodes into his testicles, ignoring his whining and grunts of pain, when I thought to myself, this damn scrotum is just in the way."
She picked up a graphic diagram of the male testes and pointed.
"You see, the male testicle is like a gift from heaven. It's like a pain center, a bundle of sensitive nerves waiting to be stimulated into agony, and it's actually hanging outside the body. Right there, exposed, not embedded behind bone and cartilage. Just a torturer's dream. Just press here, kick that, pop there, and watch the victim writhe in pain."
Pointing to various parts of the diagram, Dr. Sykes explained further. "It isn't commonly known, but there are actually several places inside the scrotum that are especially sensitive. The testicles themselves experience pain due to pressure, but it's actually the outer layers of the testicle, the epididymis, that create the most pain."
"The nerves bundle at the top of the testicle, here." Dr. Sykes continued. "That's a place that is sensitive as well, and here, the spermatic chord, specifically the nerve filaments of the spermatic plexus, that carry the pain signals to the brain. Direct stimulation of those create agony."
She put the diagram down.
"So anyway, I was ramming the needle through this guy's scrotum for the third time, trying to get the angle right, when I thought, gosh I wish this damn scrotum was just... not there. Then I thought, well, why can't I remove it?"
Dr. Sykes leaned back in her chair and scanned up and down Nurse Bella's body, eyeing her. Nurse Bella blushed slightly.
"So you wanted to remove the scrotum?" Nurse Bella said.

Nurse Bella smiled with a smirk. "So, like replacing his scrotal flesh with a removable plastic bag. And clear, you could actually see the testicles. God, what an idea."
"Yes, but that's not what we are doing today. I need to start with something smaller first, prove the technique. Come, let's go." Dr. Sykes stood, revealing her own long legs and skirt that was a bit shorter than Nurse Bella.
They walked together down the hall toward an operating chamber. Upon entering, they were greeted by the sight of a male prisoner strapped down to a table. He had been prepared by orderlies. The operating table was a little different than normal operating tables-- it was stainless steel with lips around the edge and a drain at one end, very similar to an autopsy table.
The main difference between this table and an autopsy table were the restraints. The poor male inmate had been securely strapped in place. His legs had been strapped apart, and there was a metal rod that ran under his hips, pushing them up and making his genitals readily available.
The male prisoner was like many who arrived at the medical wing of Richland Prison-- defiant and offensive. The lean, tattooed man with shaved head was straining at the restraints as she scanned the women.
"What have we here? Two bitches? Come to admire my package, eh? Let me up from here and we can have some fun, eh cunts?"
As soon as the two women entered the operating room the man's cock had begun to get harder. They were two beautiful women, after all. He stared at them both, leering at their professional, but sexy outfits.
Dr. Sykes ignored him. "So today we will be taking the first step in developing what I was describing. Not a complete replacement of the scrotum, but simple the insertion of a permanent opening allowing access. A zipper, if you will. One that will be sewn into place, and allow extraction of the interior organs whenever desired."
Dr. Sykes put on a long white lab coat, designed to keep blood and fluid splatter from getting on her nice dress. Nurse Bella did the same, then rolled a tray with operating equipment over next to the doctor. The prisoner had started to struggle for real, jerking around, but his hips and waist were secured and moved very little.
Nurse Bella took the patient's genitals in hand and smeared alcohol and disinfectant over them. While doing so she managed to stroke the victim's cock a few times, getting it hard. She giggled at this and said, "sorry about that, doctor."
Dr. Sykes selected a scalpel from the tray and took hold of the scrotal flesh. "No worries. It will shrink as soon as I begin-- oh look, it is getting smaller already."
The poor man was struggling in panic now, most of his bravado gone. "Please, you ain't gonna do this, please, I ain't done nothin to deserve this! Don't go castratin' me, please!!!"
The scalpel blade made a quick accurate incision, slicing open the scrotal flesh. The man screamed.
"No anesthetic, doctor?"
"Oh no, not for something like this. Too expensive and frankly, no fun. Would you like to do the honors?" Dr. Sykes motioned to the man's head.
Nurse Bella slipped a gag into the prisoner's mouth the next time it opened for a scream. She strapped it in place. It didn't stop him from screaming, but did muffle the sound a bit.
"So, here's the testicle. Easy to get to, see?"
Dr. Sykes squeezed the scrotum closer to the body and out popped the whitish lobe of firm tissue. Nurse Bella looked at it close up, comparing it to the diagram she had just seen. Dr. Sykes was washing away the small amount of blood that was smeared over the globe, which made it easier to examine.
"Would you like to touch it?" Dr. Sykes offered the still attached testicle to Nurse Bella.
"May I? This is fascinating. I held one once, but it had been removed from a castration, an elastrator. It wasn't in good shape."
Jenna Sykes laughed. "No, it wouldn't be after that. Here, feel it."
"That's more of a reaction than I ever get from touching them through the scrotal flesh," Bella observed.
"Yes, the scrotum actually provides quite a bit of protection. You see now why I want to have easy access to them without all that flesh in the way!" Dr. Sykes took the testicle back. She pointed to the top of the soft egg-shaped globe.
"See, here? The nerve cluster. Watch this."
Dr. Sykes obtained a small metal needle from the tray, positioned it exactly at the top tip of the egg-shaped testicle, and pushed the needle through with one clean motion.
The prisoner jerked and screamed, the quality of his screaming changing. He was clearly in agony.
"See? All that caterwalling was for nothing. Cutting the scrotum? Nothing compared to a needle in the spermatic plexus."
Dr. Sykes wiggled the needs a little, renewing the yelling that was muffled by the gag.
"OK, the other one," she said. She took the scalpel and made a quick, simple cut in the other side of the scrotum. "Because of the scrotal septum, we can't use just one opening. There has to be one for each side."
She squeezed and the other testicle popped out, laying white and naked on the man's thigh. A second needle was inserted just above this newly exposed testicle.
"You see, electric torture has a problem. The level of pain is difficult to control. It is too dependent on factors such as the sweat level of the victim's skin, the quality of the electrode attachment, the positioning of the attachment. And in the case of the testicle, without penetration through the scrotal flesh, the electrodes sit on the scrotal skin and simply provide a very unreliable burning sensation. Insertion of needles through the scrotal flesh is inaccurate and unreliable. With this..."
Dr. Sykes attached small claps from two of the wire leads to the two needles in the man's testicles. "With this, the electricity is delivered directly to the nerve bundle where it will do the most good, and without any outside factors we can control exactly how much pain the patient experiences."
She pushed a button on the box and the naked victim's body tensed, his muscles pulling on the restraints as hard as they could, his screams subsiding into a gurgle.
After a few seconds Dr. Sykes pushed another button and the patient's body relaxed, the gurgles turned into sobbing cries.
Dr. Sykes looked happy. "And that was a low setting. With direct application to the nerves, just a small shock can feel like the man is getting a continuous, ongoing kick in the gonads from a mule."
Bella was impressed. "I am learning so much from you, doctor. Can I give it a try?"
Dr. Sykes handed over the black box. Bella pushed a button and the prisoner arched his back, his teeth gnashing down on the gag, his entire body shaking with the muscle contractions.
Bella left the black box on and the man continued to strain and gurgle. "So the idea is to be able to cause more efficient, specific and controllable pain using his, um... pain centers?"
"Exactly. Let's turn it off. We don't want him to... ooops, too late."
The victim had lost bowel control. The pungent odor of feces drifted into the air. Dr. Sykes hit the button and stopped the shock. The captive male collapsed and cried, gasping for air and begging unintelligibly through the gag.
"That's one reason I usually insist on an enema before working with one of the prisoners. Oh well. Let's attach the zippers."

"So all we do is position this... here..." Dr. Sykes expert hands placed the strip along one of the incisions. "And then sew it on. Getting the stitches right is the most difficult part. They need to be tight to prevent leakage, but not damage the flesh and cause inflammation, which would also break the seal and cause leakage."
Moments later the strip had been sewn in place.
"There, see?" The beautiful young doctor played with the scrotal flesh, moving the testicle inside around. She squeezed hard, testing the seal. The man sobbed in pain.
The doctor duplicated the procedure with the other side, and tested it as well.
"Now. Later, when we want direct access to his pain nodes, this is all we need to do," The doctor took hold of a tiny flap on the strip and pulled it open. Squeezing the base of the scrotum she forced the testicle out to where it flopped outside the scrotum once again.
"There we go!" She moved to the prisoner's face, whose wild eyes stared at the ceiling, then at Dr. Sykes.
"That wasn't so bad, was it? You were a good boy. Let's get you cleaned up and sent to a holding cell. We'll check on those incisions in a couple of days. And... maybe play with what's inside. You'd like that, right?"
The man violently shook his head back and forth, begging with sobs through the gag.
"I thought you would." She patted his tattooed shoulder and motioned for Nurse Bella to follow her outside.
In the hall outside Nurse Bella looked at Dr. Sykes with admiration.

"Turned you on?" Dr. Sykes said with a smile.
"Yes," Nurse Bella said with a hoarse voice.
Dr. Sykes leaned over and kissed Nurse Bella on the lips gently. "Let's go to my office and discuss that," she said. "And I can show you more of what my hands can do."