The feminist movement had become strong enough that more than 40% of women had embraced lesbianism and the demands for methods of procreation that did not involve a man placing his penis inside a vagina became extreme. Most women still had sex with men but the number was dwindling. Men in general still wanted sex with women; the number of gay men had not increased at the same rate as lesbianism.
As women went more and more to artificial insemination as a means to become pregnant, the demand for high quality sperm also increased. Women were no longer content accepting just any man's sperm. They wanted children that would be smart, healthy, intelligent, beautiful. They demanded the best of the best.
Thus, the Sperm Production Act of 2052 was passed in the worldwide congress and men began to be formally evaluated for the potential quality of their offspring. Strong, healthy men with few defects and a history of good looks were identified and pursued as sperm donors. These men were sought after and the pricing of their sperm skyrocketed. Officially sanctioned as a professional sperm producers, these men could now spend most of their time masturbating, preserving their sperm and selling it.
Rising prices began to threaten the sperm supply. In 2061 the lesbian population had continued to rise and had reached 63%. Even women in traditional relationships were pursuing the best sperm, and purchasing this sperm on the open market. Because of the high demand, the birth rate plunged, threatening industrialized country's lifestyles and economies.
The governments reacted by creating mandatory evaluation of all young men for their sperm production and quality, and drafting of the best men into the ranks of the sperm producers. Sperm price controls were put into place, and the sperm producer men were then impressed into service, similar to a military service for the country.
In this way the Sperm Farms were created. By 2065 several hundred thousand men had been drafted into a two year service as sperm producers. The demand for their sperm reached record levels by 2067, when the number of men in sperm farms was reduced in order to focus on only the highest producers, and term of sperm production service was extended to five years.
At first the sperm farms were very similar to military basis. This quickly changed, and the farms changed into more of a prison system. Too many men had tried to escape duty. Investigations showed that while sperm production involved sexual stimulation and orgasm in order to produce semen, the constant, unrelenting demand for as much sperm as possible was horrifying. Many of the spermies, as the prime sperm producing men were called, could not stand the boredom, the constantly sore genitalia, the aching testicles, the need to day after day produce more and more body fluid.
Attempts were made to make the sperm farms more habitable, including replacing all male guards with female ones. The idea was that female guards would inspire the men sexually, and make the constant sperm production more nature. This idea worked for a while, but eventually fell apart. Even when the Sperm Farm guards, administration, everyone in the facility was replaced by beautiful women, the task of constantly spewing semen day after day, week after week, eventually tore apart most of the spermie's minds.
Thus it was that only slower, dull witted, complacent and compliant men were producing sperm for the sperm supply. Females continued to grow and prosper in intelligence. Men who produced less desirable women were quickly taken out of the Sperm Farms. Those that remained produced stupid men and quick, aggressive women.
By 2137 men and women had been bred into completely different races. The women were taller, smarter, better looking, more adept, better at problem solving and research. The men were smaller, slower, dumber, more compliant.
In the mid 2100s, men had become the submissive race, unable to keep up with women, simply serving them in whatever way was desired. At age 18, every male was evaluated for their potential in various roles. Typical roles were:
- Houseboy
- Mechanic
- Farm laborer
- Sex worker
- Sewer worker
- Food service
Men who were assigned to roles such as these were typically castrated.
The only men that kept their testicles were those found most fit for sperm production and were sent to the Sperm Farms for life.
Thus by the year 2150, a man of age 18 was destined to either be castrated and relegated to common labor, or keep their testicles and spend the rest of their life having orgasm after orgasm, producing as much sperm as they possibly could.
Because of the demands placed on males to produce sperm and the natural selection for men that could produce large amounts of sperm, men's testicles in general increased in size.
Most testicles were twice the size of those of men from 100 years before. Even non-sperm producing men had enlarged, engorged genitals, with larger cocks and especially larger balls.
Of course, after castration, men no longer had testicles, leaving them only with a large cock.
Over the course of time men had developed a permanent erection, much as women had developed permanently enlarged and engorged breasts millennia before. This was the result of the Sperm Farm eugenics effort, which not only encouraged large testicles, but also engorged, large cocks. As men increasingly developed the constantly erect cock, the flaccid cock became a sign of a defective or undesirable man.
Such men were typically executed, and were most certainly never sent to the Sperm Farms, assuring that the next generation of men would never have a flaccid cock. The cocks on all men stood out at all times, never getting soft. Women forgot what a soft penis looked like, except from some history books.
Women increasingly took to seeking men with the largest, most engorged and erect cocks as playthings. The fact all men were castrated made constant sex play with men much simpler and easier. The absence of testicles and scrotum came to be a sign of a mature male, since only young boys had their testicles. And since men never lost their erections, women could use them for sexual gratification as much as they liked and were no longer limited to a single orgasm as they had been in the past. In general, the "New Man" was heralded as a great improvement. Docile because of breeding and castration, rather dull but supremely cooperate, this New Man was exactly what women had wanted for centuries.
The life of males in Sperm Farms was desolate and empty. Inside the concrete bunker facilities were rows upon rows of men, usually somewhere around 100 per room, with up to 100 rooms per facility. Thousands of men, nameless, forgotten, were simply bracketed into place so they couldn't move. A cock milking device was permanently attached to their cock.
Stimulation wires were also embedded in the testicles of the men. This somewhat painful process of providing a low level current into the testicles of sperm producers actually increased sperm production. The fact it also created constant pain was not a concern.
Some women launched humanitarian concerns, trying to raise awareness of conditions inside the Sperm Farms, just as they had raised awareness for chickens raised in cages a century and half before. The movement was not as successful, though. Women didn't really care that much about men, especially not the sperm producers.
Even lesbians liked the way things were. Men had become playthings, like fleshy, realistic dildos. Owning a man as a lesbian plaything because a status symbol. Women had their real relationships, raised children, worked and built lives with their women partners. Men existed in their lives to provide some sexual pleasure they considered a bit kinky, a little risque.
What happened with all the testicles from the millions of castrated men?
They were served for dinner, of course.